This community helps you with your ABSITE prep all year long!
Enjoy your nap from Turkey Day tryptophan. Happy Thanksgiving! #thanksgiving #absite #surgery #generalsurgery #surgeryresident #absitevideo #generalsurgeryresident #surgerylife #futuresurgeon #dailyabsitefact #AbsiteSmackdown #lifeofaresident #FOAMed #FOAMsurg
Bile duct cancers are classified by location as:
•Intrahepatic (segmental or peripheral duct)
•Hilar (common hepatic or first/second order duct) – most common
•Distal extrahepatic duct
#surgery #generalsurgery #surgeryresident #absitevideo #generalsurgeryresident #surgerylife #futuresurgeon #dailyabsitefact #AbsiteSmackdown #lifeofaresident #FOAMed #FOAMsurg #absite
Basilar Skull Fractures Presentation
•Hemotympanum, CSF rhinorrhea
•Anterior fossa fracture: raccoon eyes
•Middle fossa fracture: CNVII (facial nerve) injury and Battle’s sign
#absite #surgery #generalsurgery #surgeryresident #absitevideo #generalsurgeryresident #surgerylife #futuresurgeon #dailyabsitefact #AbsiteSmackdown #lifeofaresident #FOAMed #FOAMsurg
****** Abscesses: Usually associated with ****** feeding. Staph aureus is most common offending organism. Presents with fevers, ****** pain, erythema.
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Menopause leads to a decline in estrogen and progesterone levels resulting in atrophy of ****** tissue and replacement with fatty tissue. #absite #surgery #generalsurgery #surgeryresident #absitevideo #generalsurgeryresident #surgerylife #futuresurgeon #dailyabsitefact #AbsiteSmackdown #lifeofaresident #FOAMed #FOAMsurg
Thoracodorsal nerve: courses along the lateral border of the axilla to innervate the latissimus dorsi. Injury results in the inability to do pullups and weak arm adduction.
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Rectal prolapse - Rectal wall protrudes through anus and presents as incontinence, vaginal/uterine prolapse, cystocele, enterocele, or constipation.
Risk factors: straining, constipation, chronic diarrhea, prior pregnancy, redundant sigmoid #absite #surgery #generalsurgery #surgeryresident #absitevideo #generalsurgeryresident #surgerylife #futuresurgeon #dailyabsitefact #AbsiteSmackdown #lifeofaresident #FOAMed #FOAMsurg
This community helps you with your ABSITE prep all year long!